Killzone Shadow Fall

Download killzone shadow fall PS4


I like Killzone: Shadow Fall  Ps4 for its change of direction from previous series games, as well as its change of pace over other first-person shooters. Guerrilla has tried a few new things this time around, and should be commended as such. I welcome the almost sandbox-ish level approach, and the stealth segments did a nice job of breaking up the standard shooting action.

The events of Killzone Shadow Fall ps4  take place thirty years after the events of Killzone 3. Set in a time of planetary colonization, the game focuses on the conflict between the Vektans and the Helghast, two rival colonist factions inhabiting a remote planet. For 3 decades, both factions have lived side by side, separated by an enormous security wall – but now their cold war is about to run hot. It is up to Lucas Kellan, a member of the military intelligence unit dubbed the Shadow Marshals, to try to protect the fragile peace that exists. A new warrior for a new era of war, Kellan ‘s missions will range from quiet infiltrations to all-out combat. Lucas will need to be methodical and ready to adapt, as any misstep could lead to mutually assured destruction.

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 语言 : free ps4 games

格式  :游戏兑换代码(用于激活,无需破解)

平台 : 游戏机 4

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