
下载蝙蝠侠阿卡姆骑士 PS4

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蝙蝠侠阿卡姆骑士 ps4 面对他发誓要保护的城市的终极威胁。稻草人回归,凝聚了包括企鹅、两张脸和哈莉奎茵在内的一系列强大的超级反派,以立即摧毁黑暗骑士。该游戏首次引入了 Rocksteady 独特设计的蝙蝠车可驾驶想象。蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆骑士为游戏玩家提供完整的蝙蝠侠体验,让他们穿越街道,翱翔于标志性的哥谭市天际线


Uncharted 内森德雷克系列

下载未知的内森德雷克合集 PS4


来自顽皮狗的讲故事者,来了改变冒险故事的史诗,由 Bluepoint Games 用 PS4 系统的力量重建。跟随内森·德雷克在全球各地的悲惨旅程,从卑微的开始到令人难以置信的发现。与一群独特的角色相遇,德雷克将生命和友谊置于危险之中,与无情的敌人展开竞赛,以发现难以想象的宝藏。 UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection 包括 UNCHARTED: Drake's Fortune、UNCHARTED 2: 在盗贼中和 UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception 的单人战役。


Gravity rush

Download gravity rush PS4


Gravity Rush has players manipulate gravity to save your world from destruction. Gain a new perspective as you assume the role of Kat, a head-string girl looking for a way to protect her future in a world that’s crumbling under her feet. Tilt and move the ps4 , taking gravity into your own hands to deliver devastating attacks, uncover the secrets to your past and explore a mysterious world


Plants vs zombies gw 2

Download plants vs zombies gw 2 PS4


In Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2, the zombies have conquered, and the plants are on the attack for the first time in this shooter. In your Backyard Battleground you can edit your character’s abilities and customizations, choose quests, jump into co-op or multiplayer action modes, or invite up to three friends in to your backyard to start a party and take on AI – defeat a wave, and a more powerful wave will show up. You can also switch teams to challenge your friends. Backyard Battleground is your own frontline base to plan your attack before you enter the battle for Zomburbia.



Download Kung Fu Panda PS4


It is an era of Kung Fu heroes, warriors, and most significant of all, Legendary Legends. Fight alongside Po, Tigress, Monkey, Tai Lung, Master Shifu, and all of your familiar Kung Fu Panda characters to compete in the Showdown of Legendary Legends. Up to 4 players brawl in iconic locations throughout the Valley of Peace and beyond. Compete in an epic Tournament in which all Kung Fu warriors contend for honor and glory.


刀剑神域Lost song



刀剑神域:失落之歌 ps4 具有全新的空战和一系列自定义功能。凭借基于 ALfheim Online 领域的原创故事,粉丝们将能够扮演 Kirito 或其他来自刀剑神域的关键角色,包括莉法和亚丝娜,探索 ALfheim Online 的全新区域 Svart ALfheim。玩家还可以创建自己的可定制化身,并与最多三个其他在线朋友一起体验合作游戏。



下载刺客信条统一 PS4

Assassin's creed unity ps4


Assassin's Creed Unity ps4 利用新一代游戏机添加了壮观的新景象和成功的合作多人游戏,但在这样做的过程中,它创造了一些实质性的新问题,而不是解决该系列最持久的问题。范围惊人,定制令人满意,多人游戏触及了一些真正雄心勃勃的想法。但是,刺客信条宇宙缺乏强大的主角或有趣的视角,这让它失去了动力和兴奋,而且持续的控制问题仍然是它的眼中钉。第一款真正的新一代刺客信条游戏是一个华丽、有趣且成功的概念证明,证明了该系列的未来,尽管它不是我所说的革命性的。


Tomb Raider Definitve Edition

Download Tomb Raider definitive Edition PS4

Tomb Raider Difinitve Edition PS4


At pretty much no point when I was playing Tomb Raider ps4 and PlayStation 3 a year ago did I stop and say to myself, “man, I only wish this looked better.” Lara Croft’s excellent, cinematic reboot adventure doesn’t need extra special effects to make it worth playing.But nonetheless, playing through the Definitive Edition on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, which stacks up against the PC version’s high resolution and fancy hair effects, is excellent. The Xbox One can’t quite keep the frame rate up at 60fps, but I’ve been appreciating the difference. Tomb Raider is still one of the best of its genre, up there with the Uncharted series – but if you’re wondering whether this version is an improved experience beyond extra visual flair, the answer is: No, not enormously.


Devil may cry 4 special edition

Download devil may cry 4  PS4

devil may cry 4 PS4


Long ago the Dark Knight Sparda rebelled against the dark emperor and waged a one-man war to save humanity. Thousands of years later, a religious organization worships this renowned savior and has taken it upon themselves to rid the world of all evil. Residing in Fortuna, this organization is known as the “Order of the Sword,” and is made up of an elite group of “Holy Knights.” One day a young knight named Nero witnesses Sparda’s legendary son Dante slaughter his fellow warriors. Has the renowned devil hunter turned his back on mankind? What does this encounter mean for these two individuals?In Devil May Cry 4, players control the formidable Nero who comes to grips with his newly found power as his beliefs and allegiance are tested. Continuing the legacy of fast paced action synonymous with the series, Devil May Cry 4 pushes the envelope of excellence even further with the inclusion of a new combat system that incorporates Nero’s “Devil Bringer.” This new feature has players delivering overwhelming damage to enemies with non-stop combos, while gaining new power for Nero’s right arm.

