Download WRC 5 PS4

WRC 5 ps4


I WRC 5 ps4 kan du begynde at køre tidligt om morgenen, midt på dagen, under solnedgangen eller endda om natten. Disse forskellige øjeblikke på dagen giver dig mulighed for at opleve forskellige atmosfærer (morgentåge, blændende solnedgang), og forlygternes rampe vil være meget nyttig til natetaperne.

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The Crew

Download COD Advanced Warfare PS4

The Crew ps4

The Crew ps4  deserves credit for the frankly staggering size of its open world, and the fact that it’s absolutely filled to the brim with racing, challenges, a fat multiplayer offering, and exploration potential. This scope, however, has resulted in some noticeable visual concessions, the racing itself is too often hamstrung by AI prone to unfair bursts of speed that do nothing but frustrate, and I was surprised at how unwilling the community currently seems to join co-op missions and just how difficult the game’s often miserly winnings makes collecting the cars.

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Drive Club

Download Drive Club PS4

download Drive Club ps4


Drive Club ps4  bliver bygget til de mest elite benzinhoveder; det er noget, der er meget mere eksklusivt end Motorstorm-titlernes bombastiske off-road-smashaouts. Næsten alle kan stå bag tanken om at rive gennem det utæmmede Stillehav i en monstertruck, men at få disse mennesker til at fyre op for en racer-sim, perverst præcis eller ej, er ingen nem opgave.

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