

the witcher 3 ps4


随着帝国对北方王国的进攻和狂猎,一队可怕的骑手在你的脖子上呼吸,唯一的生存方式就是反击。作为Rivia的Geralt,一个大师级的剑客和怪物猎人,让你的敌人无一幸免。探索一个巨大的开放世界,杀死野兽,用你的行动决定整个社区的命运,所有这些都是在一个真正的下一代格式。也被称为 "巫师III:狂猎"

Though the straightforward and fetch-quest-heavy main story overstays its welcome, the option of joyfully adventuring through a rich, expansive open world was always there for me when I’d start to burn out. Even if the plot isn’t terribly interesting, the many characters who play a part in it are, and along with the excellent combat and RPG gameplay, they elevate The Witcher 3 ps4 to a plane few other RPGs inhabit.

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平台 : 游戏机 4

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Download the witcher 3 Ps4

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