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Prenesite The Last Of US PS4

The Last Of US PS4


Dvajset let po tem, ko je pandemija radikalno spremenila znano civilizacijo, okuženi ljudje besnejo, preživeli pa se med seboj pobijajo za preživetje in orožje – dobesedno vse, kar jim pride v roke. Joel, zasoljeni preživeli, je najet, da tihotapi štirinajstletno deklico Ellie iz težke vojaške karantene, a tisto, kar se začne kot preprosto delo, se hitro spremeni v brutalno potovanje čez državo

In 2013, I called The Last of Us ps4  a masterpiece. The same holds true of its PlayStation 4 “Remastered” sibling. You can’t go wrong with either version, but with Remastered you’ll get a better framerate that smooths out gunplay, a prettier, sharper look, and a bunch of DLC content rolled into the package from the get-go (not to mention a whole fresh set of Trophies to earn again, if you have a whole lot of time on your hands).Whether you’ve already experienced it on PlayStation 3 or have no idea what you’re missing, The Last of Us: Remastered is worth your time and attention. PlayStation 3’s best game just became PlayStation 4’s, too.

Posnetek zaslona:

 Langue : free ps4 games

Format  : Game Redeem koda ( Za aktivacijo, NO Hack potrebno)

Platforma : Playstation 4

PS: Prepričajte se, da ste izpolnili samo eno ponudbo za brezplačen prenos te kode za igro Ps4

Prenesite The Last Of US za Ps4

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