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Prenesite Just Cause 3 PS4

Just cause 3 ps4


v just reason 3 ps4 Postavljen v bukolično sredozemsko otoško republiko Medičejce, deželo, ki se razpada pod brutalno vladavino generala Di Ravella, prevzamete nadzor nad franšiznim junakom Ricom Rodriguezom, človekom na misiji, da osvobodi svojo domovino in prebivalce Medičejcev. …na kakršen koli način. Z več kot štiristo kvadratnimi miljami popolne svobode od neba do morskega dna in ogromnim arzenalom orožja, pripomočkov in vozil se pripravite na sproščanje kaosa na najbolj ustvarjalne in eksplozivne načine, kar si jih lahko zamislite.

Just Cause 3 ps4  makes no apologies for its outrageous nature. It’s a power fantasy in every sense of the phrase, placing you in a world rife with destructible environments and giving you creative instruments with which to destroy them. There are intermittent technical problems, and scripted moments detract from the freedom found elsewhere, but in the end, Just Cause 3 provides a spectacular, explosive sandbox experience.

The plot revolves around returning protagonist Rico Rodriguez, who’s arrived in the fictional Republic of Medici during the height of Sebastiano Di Ravello’s military dictatorship. The story here is forgettable, but delivers an effective invitation: dozens of military installations cover the world map, and it’s your job to blow them up for the rebel forces.

Posnetek zaslona:

 Langue :free ps4 games

Format  : Game Redeem koda ( Za aktivacijo, NO Hack potrebno)

Platforma : Playstation 4

PS: Prepričajte se, da ste izpolnili samo eno ponudbo za brezplačen prenos te kode za igro Ps4

Download Just cause 3  Ps4

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