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Prenesite Envolve PS4

Envolve ps4


Boste v divjem svetu človeka proti naravi lovec ali preganjanec? Kladivo ali žebelj? Ustvarjalci igre Left 4 Dead, Turtle Rock Studios, vam predstavljajo EVOLVE ps4, razvoj večigralskih streljačin, v katerih se štirje lovci soočijo z eno pošastjo, ki jo nadzoruje igralec. Zalezujte svoj plen, izvedite napad in dokažite, da ste vrhunski plenilec v dvobojih 4 proti 1.

It’s rare for a big multiplayer game like Evolve ps4 to feel so considered and intelligent. Everything – skills, mechanics, and design choices – seem to interlock in a way that’s both natural and purposeful. That it’s so mechanically rich and still conveys the raw energy and fun of duking it out with huge monsters and action-figure-esque hunters is a real design feat. Its progression system stifles it a bit early on, but regardless, Evolve is a deeply rewarding multiplayer experience that packs both brains and brawn

Posnetek zaslona:

 Langue : free ps4 games

Format  : Game Redeem koda ( Za aktivacijo, NO Hack potrebno)

Platforma : Playstation 4

PS: Prepričajte se, da ste izpolnili samo eno ponudbo za brezplačen prenos te kode za igro Ps4

Download Evolve Ps4

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