Call of duty black ops 3

Prenesite Call of duty black ops 3 za PS4

Call of duty black ops 3 ps4


V Black Ops 3 ps4 Treyarch predstavlja nov sistem verižnega gibanja, ki temelji na zagonu in omogoča igralcem, da se tekoče premikajo skozi okolje s finostjo, z uporabo nadzorovanih sunkov skokov, zdrsov, stenskih tekov in sposobnosti mantlinga v neštetih kombinacijah, vse to pa neprekinjeno. obdržati popoln nadzor nad svojim orožjem. Zemljevidi so zasnovani od samega začetka za nov sistem gibanja, kar igralcem omogoča uspeh s tradicionalnim gibanjem, pa tudi z naprednimi taktikami in manevri

Oddly for a game so focused on brutality, betrayal, violence, techno-fear and man’s inhumanity to man, generosity is Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 ps4 biggest asset. This is a mountainous all-you-can-eat buffet of a Call of Duty, its steaming heated trays crammed with game modes, options and hidden features. It adds enough to the core gameplay to make it feel like more than just another lazy retread, and it’s easily the best-looking CoD to date.

The only problem is that, as with all all-you-can-eat buffets, some portions are a lot tastier than others, leaving you wondering whether a little more focus might have created something really exceptional.

Black Ops 3 is a solid installment that will please the series’ hardcore fans, but it’s not a mainstream crowd-pleaser in the way that last year’s Advanced Warfare was.

Posnetek zaslona:

 Langue : free ps4 games

Format  : Game Redeem koda ( Za aktivacijo, NO Hack potrebno)

Platforma : Playstation 4

PS: Prepričajte se, da ste izpolnili samo eno ponudbo za brezplačen prenos te kode za igro Ps4

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