Rory McIlroy PGA Tour

Download Rory McIlroy PGA Tour PS4

Rory McIlroy PGA Tour ps4


Gameplay offers multiple ways to play, including arcade controls where the left stick is used to control power and accuracy, with the ability to add spin to the shot while the ball is in the air. In addition to the arcade controls, the return of 3-Click swings appeals to nostalgic gamers who prefer to set power and accuracy by tapping a button rather than moving a thumbstick. Those looking for an extra challenge can turn on Tour settings. When playing with Tour controls, the length of your backswing and speed of your follow through determine power, while the club path through the ball will be the most important factor in accounting for accuracy. Fans can also mix and match all three settings to create their own custom gameplay style. Courses themselves also affect how your shots are played, as firmer, links-style courses like St. Andrews provides more bounce and roll, while softer courses such as TPC Sawgrass have less bounce and be more receptive to spin

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ratchet and clank

Download ratchet and clank ps4

ratchet and clank ps4


Save the galaxy as Ratchet, a wrench-wielding Lombax, and his robot buddy Clank, in this action-adventure with a multitude of crazy weapons. It’s time to rip the galaxy a new one. With over 36 weapons and gadgets to choose from, it’s no wonder Ratchet and Clank have itchy trigger fingers in this massive platforming adventure. Think about it. You can choose from burning, bombing, exploding or obliterating your enemies. So go ahead, blow it up. Blow it all up. It isn’t the size of your weapons that count. It’s how many you have and better yet … How you use ’em!

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The Crew

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The Crew ps4

The Crew ps4  deserves credit for the frankly staggering size of its open world, and the fact that it’s absolutely filled to the brim with racing, challenges, a fat multiplayer offering, and exploration potential. This scope, however, has resulted in some noticeable visual concessions, the racing itself is too often hamstrung by AI prone to unfair bursts of speed that do nothing but frustrate, and I was surprised at how unwilling the community currently seems to join co-op missions and just how difficult the game’s often miserly winnings makes collecting the cars.

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Assassin’s creed unity

Download Assassin’s creed unity PS4

Assassin's creed unity ps4


Assassin’s Creed Unity ps4 leverages the new-generation consoles to add spectacular new sights and successful co-op multiplayer, but in doing so, it’s created some substantial new problems instead of solving the series’ most persistent ones. The scope is stunning, the customization is satisfying, and the multiplayer touches upon some really ambitious ideas. But the lack of a strong main character or interesting take on the Assassin’s Creed universe costs it momentum and excitement, and the persistent control problems are still a thorn in its side. The first truly new-gen Assassin’s Creed game is a gorgeous, entertaining, and successful proof of concept for what lies ahead for the series, though it isn’t what I’d call revolutionary.

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Divinity original sin

Download divinity original sin PS4

divinity original sin ps4


Divinity: Original Sin ps4 is one of the most rewarding RPGs to come along in years. Its quests and combat compelled me to think hard about my actions and choices, which is more than I usually get to say about contemporary RPGs. Its depth, personality, and combat challenges easily allow it to hold its own against the likes of heavyweights like Dragon Age: Origins. These systems invite constant experimentation throughout dozens of memorable hours of combat and cheeky storytelling, and its rich modding toolkit provides the framework for enjoyable player-made adventure for years to come.

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littlebigplanet 3

Download littlebigplanet 3 PS4

littlebigplanet 3 ps4


Sackboy, the knitted knight has been pre-loaded with an new climbing ability and brand-new power-ups including the Pumpinator. In LittleBigPlanet 3, explore a world riddled with creativity as you explore all areas of the Imagisphere, accost the inhabitants of the mysterious planet Bunkum and confront the nefarious Newton. Meet a variety of surprises that the LittleBigPlanet Community have created and shared for you to enjoy, with new levels and games to play every day. Then, if you’re feeling inspired, flex your creative muscles with the customization tools, to bring your own imagination to life in LittleBigPlanet 3 ps4.

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Tomb Raider Definitve Edition

Stiahnite si Tomb Raider definitívnu edíciu PS4

Tomb Raider Difinitve Edition PS4


V podstate v žiadnom momente, keď som pred rokom hral Tomb Raider ps4 a PlayStation 3, som sa nezastavil a povedal si: „Človeče, len by som si prial, aby to vyzeralo lepšie. Vynikajúce filmové dobrodružstvo Lary Croft s reštartom nepotrebuje špeciálne efekty, aby sa oplatilo hrať. Napriek tomu je hranie prostredníctvom Definitive Edition na PlayStation 4 a Xbox One, ktoré sa vyrovná vysokému rozlíšeniu a efektným vlasovým efektom PC verzie. vynikajúce. Xbox One nedokáže úplne udržať snímkovú frekvenciu na úrovni 60 snímok za sekundu, ale oceňujem ten rozdiel. Tomb Raider je stále jedným z najlepších vo svojom žánri, so sériou Uncharted – ale ak sa pýtate, či je táto verzia vylepšeným zážitkom nad rámec extra vizuálneho vkusu, odpoveď znie: Nie, nie enormne.

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Devil may cry 4 special edition

Download devil may cry 4  PS4

devil may cry 4 PS4


Long ago the Dark Knight Sparda rebelled against the dark emperor and waged a one-man war to save humanity. Thousands of years later, a religious organization worships this renowned savior and has taken it upon themselves to rid the world of all evil. Residing in Fortuna, this organization is known as the “Order of the Sword,” and is made up of an elite group of “Holy Knights.” One day a young knight named Nero witnesses Sparda’s legendary son Dante slaughter his fellow warriors. Has the renowned devil hunter turned his back on mankind? What does this encounter mean for these two individuals?In Devil May Cry 4, players control the formidable Nero who comes to grips with his newly found power as his beliefs and allegiance are tested. Continuing the legacy of fast paced action synonymous with the series, Devil May Cry 4 pushes the envelope of excellence even further with the inclusion of a new combat system that incorporates Nero’s “Devil Bringer.” This new feature has players delivering overwhelming damage to enemies with non-stop combos, while gaining new power for Nero’s right arm.

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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare

Stiahnite si COD Advanced Warfare PS4

COD Advanced Warfare ps4


Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare ps4 predstavuje silné bojiská budúcnosti, kde sa vyvinuli technológie aj taktika, aby ohlásili novú éru boja pre túto franšízu. Herec Kevin Spacey, ocenený Oscarom, s úžasným výkonom hrá Jonathana Ironsa – jedného z najmocnejších mužov na svete – ktorý formuje túto mrazivú víziu budúcnosti vojny. Hra sa odohráva v pravdepodobnej budúcnosti, v ktorej sa technologický pokrok a dnešné vojenské praktiky zblížili so silnými dôsledkami. • V tejto starostlivo preskúmanej a vytvorenej vízii budúcnosti sa súkromné vojenské korporácie (PMC) stali dominantnými ozbrojenými silami pre nespočetné množstvo krajín, ktoré outsourcujú svoje vojenské potreby, prekresľujú hranice a prepisujú pravidlá vojny. A Jonathan Irons, zakladateľ a prezident najväčšieho svetového PMC, Atlas Corporation, je v centre toho všetkého.

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God Of War Remastered

Download God Of War Remastered  PS4

God Of War Remastered ps4


Originally developed by SCE Santa Monica Studio for the PS3, God of War 3 has been remastered for the PS4 and gameplay supports 1080p at 60fps. God of War 3 Remastered brings epic battles to life with graphics and an elaborate plot that put Kratos at the center of carnage and destruction as he pursues revenge against the Gods who have betrayed him. Set in the realm of brutal Greek mythology, God of War 3 Remastered is the single-player game that allows players to assume the fearless role of the ex-Spartan warrior, Kratos, as he rises from the darkest depths of Hades to scale the very heights of Mount Olympus to seek his bloody revenge. Armed with double-chained blades and an array of new weapons and magic, Kratos must take on mythology’s deadliest creatures while solving intricate puzzles throughout his merciless quest to destroy Olympus.

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