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Descargar Assassin's Creed Black Flag PS4

Download Assassin's creed black flag Ps4


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ps4 s 1715. Los piratas gobiernan las aguas del Caribe y han establecido una República sin ley. Entre estos forajidos se encuentra un joven capitán letal llamado Edward Kenway. Sus notorias hazañas se ganan el respeto de leyendas como Barbanegra, pero lo arrastran a una antigua guerra que puede destruir todo lo que los piratas han construido para sí mismos.

If a great adventure is what you’re looking for, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Ps4  can be easily recommended. It’s a pleasure to discover troubled waters and bays by ship, and it’s easy to get lost in the many things to do. All the while, the returning sneaking and fighting still manages to captivate. Getting somewhat annoyed by the excessive hand-holding, the limited artificial intelligence and during climbing it isn’t uncommon.We liked all the sea based activities: battles are challenging and deeper than before, underwater wrecks exploration is a nice addition and every pirate stories fan will find much to like here. Nevertheless, with Black Flag the series shows some fatigue especially in the ground sections like combat and the free-running mechanics, leaving us hoping for a strong overhaul starting with the next game.

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 Idioma : free ps4 games

Formato  : Código de canje del juego ( Para la activación, NO se necesita Hack)

Plataforma : Playstation 4

PS : Asegúrese de completar sólo una oferta para descargar este código de juego Ps4 gratis

Download Assassin’s creed black flag Ps4

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